2024-25 York School Committee (YSC)

School Committee members left to right , Rick Clarke, Marie Evans, Darryk Kelly, Chair Julie Kelbert and Vice Chair Rob Hover

From left to right Rick Clarke, Marie Evans, Darryk Kelly, Chair Julie Kelbert and Vice Chair Rob Hover.

Do you have a question for the York School Committee? Ask it here!

School Committee Members

Julie Kelbert Chair (Term Expires 2025)

Robert Hover Vice Chair(Term Expires 2025)

Darryk Kelly (Term Expires 2026)

Marie Evans (Term Expires 2027)

Rick Clarke (Term Expires 2027)


The York School Committee welcomes you to attend our meetings. We appreciate visitors from the public and trust your attendance will benefit both you and us. We feel it is very important for interested persons to know about the workings of our school department and for us to be aware of what is important to the community of York. You are invited to participate in the meeting in accordance with the policy and rules established by the committee.

Important Links

School Committee Duties and Responsibilities

The York School Committee (YSC) responsibilities fall under three main categories—Superintendent, Policy, and Budget. See below for more information on each of these responsibilities. Members of the committee have authority only when acting as a committee legally in session. The committee shall not be bound in any way by an action or statement of an individual member except when such statement or action is pursuant to specific instructions of the committee.

Maine State law charges school boards with the responsibility to "manage the schools." This is done essentially by selecting a superintendent and providing him/her with authority and direction. It is not the duty of the committee to operate the schools but to see that they are well operated.

The committee concerns itself primarily with broad questions of policy, rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent and their staff, who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school department.

Because it is the duty of the school committee to hire a superintendent who, in turn, manages the schools that are well-operated, it is also the committee's responsibility to inform and help ensure that the school budget is sufficient so that this is possible. Then, ultimately, the citizens of York vote on the passage of the school budget.

Committee Meetings

The York School Committee (YSC) meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Meetings are live-streamed at Town Hall Streams. Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent and the chair of the York School Committee Chair and are published at least three weekdays in advance of each meeting. Agendas are available at the Superintendent’s Office by request and are posted on this page. Information on standard committee agenda items and the public participation policy, visit the York School Committee Meetings page.

Affirmative Action/Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of this school system not to discriminate in educational programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex, age, or handicapping conditions under the provisions of Titles VI and IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disability Education Act of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Affirmative Action Plan, as approved by the board and submitted to the Commissioner of Education, is on file in the Superintendent's Office. The Affirmative Action Officer is Dr. Ellen Kaschuluk, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.