York Students Visit Germany over April break

World Traveling During April Vacation

York High School students were fortunate to have the opportunity to travel abroad during their April vacations. We had over 65 students and eight staff members traveling to Germany, France, or Ecuador. What a great way to spend your break, making memories that will last a lifetime. 


The trip to France left on Wednesday, April 12 and they traveled to Nice, Antibes, St. Paul de Vence, and Paris. Thank you to Madame Peet and Madame Perkins for taking the 18 students on this journey!


The trip to Germany left on Wednesday, April 12, and traveled directly to Heidelberg (after a very long direct flight). Our students had host families and other students that they stayed with to fully immerse themselves in the culture. They toured different museums (Mercedes Benz!) and experienced different foods. Another adventure this group had was at a German amusement park (Tripsdrill) -- the buildings were all reproductions of the medieval German style so the atmosphere was wonderfully German even if a little cheesy. On the final day in Obersulm, students all got to experience several German classes in the school and presented about York/YHS for the English classes. German kids were quite curious about everything from why there are flags in our classrooms to what the names of our pets were! 

Students then were able to travel to Switzerland which meant leaving their host families and that was a sad time. Students already miss their families even after such a short time with them and many are already considering what they will want to do when the Germans come visit us in the fall (or are sad they will not be able to pay back their generous hospitality!). 

The following day students were able to be in three countries in one day -- Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria. The trip ended in Munich with lots of souvenirs and happy memories. Thank you, Frau Kyer and Frau O'Connor for making this a wonderful experience for the 20 YHS students.


The trip to Ecuador left on Friday, April 14 and students were able to explore the old town of Quito and even visit the exact middle of the Earth. Thank you, Señora Bolaños, Señora Caraballo, Mr. Harder, and Mr. Farley for taking the 28 students on this incredible adventure.